To view ELC-E 2007 presentations, please click here
The conference program will be a combination of ELC-E and RTLWS sessions. There will be lots of sessions, tutorials and BOFs.
BOF= Birds of a Feather (from the saying "Birds of a feather flock together") An informal discussion group to consider a specific issue or subject.
Presenter |
Presentation Title |
Keywords |
tools |
project, tools, gui
kernel, tools
Jonas Dietsche |
CANCELLED: From User-Mode to Kernel-Mode – Linux Debugging with JTAG Tools |
project, distribution
project, flash
licensing |
tools, gui |
browser, tools, gui
kernel, project
gui, project
project, kernel
project, distribution
kernel, memory
commercial? Browser, gui, project
project, kernel
kernel, linux in practice
kernel, project, licensing
Andry Ramiandrasoa |
CANCELLED: Reconcile GPL Software and Proprietary Code on Embedded Systems with a Secure Hypervisor |
licensing, security, virtualisation
tools, distribution
linux in practice
project, multimedia
distribution, gui, tools
linux in practice
kernel, flash, power
kernel, power, project
linux in practice? commercial preso?
Presenter |
Presentation Title |
Keywords |
linux in practice |
tutorial |
tools |
Jay Vaughan |
CANCELLED: A View of the Frontier – The Process As A Game Forever |
tools, project, commercial? |
Presenter |
Presentation Title |
Keywords |
project, linux in practice
Panel Session
Presenter |
Presentation Title |
Keywords |
tbd. |
Panel discussion: "What's the Ideal Linux Distribution?" |
Session Descriptions
Presenter: Francois Audeon
Title: Detection & Resolution of Real Time Issues Using TimeDoctor
TimeDoctor, a graphical tool aimed at providing detailed insight on the execution behavior of embedded systems, was released last year by NXP as an Eclipse plugin. Its functionalities were presented to the ELC community in San Jose. This time we propose going through concrete examples based on recent product developments at NXP, and demonstrate the benefits of the tool to visualize, understand and debug the real time behavior of a complex audio and video application.
Presenter: Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
Title: Fancy and Fast GUIs on Embedded Devices
Users have always requested more beautiful user interfaces. It used to be mostly on
desktops, but after iRiver, iPod and other multimedia products have hit the market, these requests have reached embedded systems as well.
Hardware manufactures have quickly reached to these requests and provided plenty of power to software developers. It's easy to get embedded products running at hundreds of megahertz, with megabytes of memory, and some even provide support for OpenGL/ES.
Software developers, however, are constantly failing to deliver the wanted beauty, mostly due to limitations in the frameworks used to build the products.
This presentation will introduce you to the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, mainly to the Evas (canvas) and Edje (theme) libraries. These libraries are highly optimized in resource usage and provide an easy-to-use API that aids cooperation between developers and artists so that products with plenty of "eye-candy" can be delivered with minimal work by both parts.
Presenter: Tim Bird
Title: State of Embedded Linux BOF
In this Birds-of-a-Feather session, Tim will describe the status of Linux for use in embedded products. He will report on recent technology improvements in the kernel and in other open source software stacks. Also, we'll discuss recently shipped products which use embedded Linux.
Presenter: Hugh Blemings
Title: arch/ppc, arch/powerpc and Device Trees – A Walk Through a Port
I recently undertook the task of porting support for the AMCC 440GX "Taishan" Eval board from arch/ppc to arch/powerpc. While this would be a relatively minor task for an experienced kernel hacker, it was a first for me and I learned rather a lot, perhaps more than I wanted to along the way...
Much of the presentation will discuss these experiences in the hope they will help others new to porting. The port also made use of the Device Tree Compiler (DTC) tools developed by David Gibson and Jon Loeliger. While these tools have their origin in PowerPC environments they lend themselves well to other architectures, an aspect I will expand on briefly in the presentation.
Presenter: Shane Martin Coughlan
Title: Free Software, Licensing and Business Processes
Shane will speak about the business advantages inherent in Free Software and describe the licenses that facilitate the freedoms it delivers. He will discuss the processes that help companies ensure they maximize benefit and minimize liability in Free Software deployment. He will also outline how Free Software and Open Standards work together to ensure a competitive marketplace.
Presenter: Carsten Emde
Title: Introduction to the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL)
Developers of embedded systems for the automation industry apparently profit greatly from the unrestricted access to the program sources of Open Source Software. This is evidenced, for example, by the rapid increase of using Linux in embedded systems. As a disadvantage, however, this branch requires that specific expansions of the operating system such as real-time capabilities must be implemented, the compatibility with these expansions must be certifiable, and standardized software interfaces must be available. Another limitation is that a particular company may not be willing to develop such generally requested software components at its own risk and costs, while the Open Source license requires that the sources must be fully disclosed once it is distributed. It would be much fairer if all interested companies formed a consortium and shared the expenses of such software development among them.
This was the initial trigger to found the OSADL. Among others, the OSADL is acting as a "purchase community" of Open Source software, i.e. the membership fees are used to delegate the development of Open Source Software projects that a majority of the members are requesting or agreeing to. The 16 member companies (as of August 2007) are machine, computer and software manufacturers, and Open Source Software service providers.
OSADL promotes the standardization of interfaces and components and offers the service to certify the conformance of a particular product with these standards. OSADL is also offering the participation at international fairs, publishing technical articles and organizing user meetings - thus, it provides many services a commercial software vendor also would, but without any vendor lock.
OSADL has established a project on Safety Critical Linux led by Nicholas McGuire who has been nominated the OSADL Safety Coordinator.
The talk will explain in more detail the rationale and the concept of the OSADL and provide an overview about the various projects and their current status.
Presenter: Jörn Engel
Title: Introduction to LogFS
This presentation will give an overview of the current status of LogFS, a new flash filesystem for Linux. Supported media include NAND and NOR flashes as well as block devices.
Main design goal was scalability, in particular allowing for fast mount time. This is achieved by maintaining a tree structure of the filesystem on the medium and having a smart journal.
Presenter: Nils Faerber
Title: Overview of LiPS Mission Statement, Architecture and Roadmap
The presentation will provide an overview about the LiPS Foundation project and structure. It will cover the motivational background, i.e. why and in which light LiPS was founded and what LiPS' goals are. Furthermore it will explain how LiPS wants to achieve those goals, from an architecture and technological point of view. Finally, the current status and future roadmap will be presented.
Nils Faerber is LiPS supporting member, active Open Source developer for more than a decade and runs an embedded Linux development business named kernel concepts.
Presenter: Zhang Feng, Zhao Chunlei, Chen Deyong, Meng Yan
Title: Linux as Handheld Device OS in Lenovo
Lenovo China Research Center is using Linux to build the prototype for the next generation of handheld devices. In this tutorial we will share our experience working with Linux.
Presenter: Harald Fernengel
Title: Qtopia for Developers
This presentation is a developer-focused introduction to Qtopia programming. After a brief introduction of Qtopia and its editions, the presentation will illustrate how to create an application for the Greenphone, Trolltech's open source phone. The presentation is mainly targeted at developers. Embedded knowledge is a plus but not required.
Harald Fernengel is currently employed at Trolltech GmbH as a professional services engineer working with Qtopia for embedded projects. In his spare time, he likes to work on KDE.
Presenter: Holger Freyther
Title: WebKit on Linux and How It Compares to Other Open Source Engines
WebKit will be part of Qt4.4 and the Gtk+ port is under consideration for the GNOME Mobile stack. This talk will take a short look at the history of WebKit, describe the status of the Qt and Gtk+ port and explore what they can offer. The talk will be completed by comparing Mozilla Gecko with the two WebKit ports in regard to memory footprint and installed size of the engine and support libraries. The comparison will be made using OpenEmbedded to build the software and using exmap to do the actual comparison.
Presenter: Thomas Gleixner
Title: Status Overview of Real-Time
The real time preemption patches have partially found their way into the mainline kernel. There are still technology parts in the real time patch set, which need to be merged into mainline.
The status overview provides information about the status of the merged parts, merge plans for the outstanding items and a forecast on work in progress and identified, but not yet tackled, problem zones related to the real time preemption work.
Presenter: Thomas Gleixner
Title: Kernel Summit Report
The Kernel Summit 2007 held in Cambridge UK discussed a variety of technological and development process related topics.
The report gives an overview of the future directions, technological challenges and the ideas how to improve the development process, test coverage and documentation in the next years.
Presenter: Mark Gross
Title: Power Management Quality of Service
Power Management Quality of Service is a new-ish idea pushed by Mark at the Linux PM summit in June 2007. It is based on the notion that if drivers knew performance constraints as defined by other subsystems and applications, then they would have all the information they need to do
automatic, and nearly optimal, power management.
This talk describes the idea in terms of a generalization of an existing kernel mechanism, its design, implementation, and talks about where the technique is expected to work and not work. The current patch has just been posted and is getting some time in the MM tree now. We are hoping to get it into the 2.6.25 kernel, along with with more PM_QOS applications.
Presenter: Mark Gross
Title: Power Management BOF
We will be discussing user/kernel interfaces needed for power/performance optimizations to be possible.
Presenter: Takanari Hayama
Title: Writing gfxdriver for your Embedded System
Embedded system requires highly sophisticated graphics hardware these days. Blu-ray, HDTV and Car Navigation Systems are just a few examples that require such advanced features. In many cases the graphics hardware is quite unique, and different from that of regular PC, so that dedicated software is required to effectively utilize their capabilities.
DirectFB is designed to maximize the use of such graphics capability. To support particular hardware, you should write your own driver module for DirectFB. In this presentation we will show you how to develop an efficient driver, which will utilize the underlying hardware accelerator for your platform. Also, we will show how DirectFB can work without having Framebuffer device (/dev/fb) for better efficiency.
Presenter: Marcel Holtmann
Title: Integration of Bluetooth in Embedded Devices
This presentation will give an overview of what is needed to integrate Bluetooth support in any Linux based embedded device. The focus will be on the choice of Bluetooth hardware and also the software components provided by the community. For the hardware it will also go into details for power saving and special vendor specific deep sleep modes. From the software side it will focus on the upstream Bluetooth support from the Linux kernel and the additional profile/service implementations provided by the open source community. When it comes to the various number of possible Bluetooth profiles, it will show what is currently implemented and how, but it will also show future plans and profiles that are not considered right now.
For a successful integration this presentation we will focus on the needs of the embedded device manufactures and what is needed to provide excellent Bluetooth support with minimal effort.
Presenter: Alexey Korolev
Title: Improving JFFS2 RAM Usage and Performance
JFFS2 Direct IO is a feature which allows managing VFS page cache in JFFS2 file system. Having this feature it is possible to reduce number of JFFS2 fragments. Since JFFS2 file system architecture presupposes linear dependency of RAM usage on flash memory density, it causes issues of high RAM usage for Linux cell phone designers nowadays. JFFS2 Direct IO feature can be used to avoid the issues and save JFFS2 based design. Our test data showed that using JFFS2 Direct IO feature reduces JFFS2 RAM usage significantly and improves open (stat) time performance. The idea of improvement, test data and limitations information is provided in presentation.
Presenter: Matthew Locke
Title: A Power Management Architecture For Mobile Devices
Recent changes to the Linux power management frameworks require a different approach for power managing devices. Also, the addition of new features will enable much more aggressive power management policies. This presentation reviews the latest open source power management features (not just the kernel) and brings them together into a power management architecture that enables best-in-class battery life for Linux mobile devices.
Presenter: Matthew Locke
Title: OpenEmbedded for Commercial Development
OpenEmbedded is a very flexible and powerful development environment. The 1500+ package of metadata and configurations allow developers to assemble complete open source platforms for commercial development. OpenEmbedded's layered metadata design enable engineers to setup multiple build configurations, releases and file system images as required by their project. This presentation describes how to use OpenEmbedded as the build and development environment for commercial projects using both open source and proprietary software.
Presenter: Hiroyuki Machida
Title: Linux for Cell/B.E. and PS3, Related Open Source Projects BoF
We'll share up to date information on Linux and Open Souce Projects related to Cell/B.E and PS3. The BoF will discuss topics including
- SPE assisted UIO
- kboot (Kexec/Busybox/uclibc)
- Cell/B.E. Programming Tips
- Memory Management
- Realtime Support
- Performance Analysis and Trace Tools
- Other Open Source Activities
I will report on the latest status of SPE assisted UIO, which utilizes SPE to accelerate kernel services to provide benefits of Cell/B.E. to conventional programs by using user space device driver framework. This solution allows kernel services to access to multiple SPE easily. We implemented the prototype on Linux on PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3). During this work we modified compressed loop device driver, Cloop and enhanced user level I/O device driver UIO.
Presenter: Paul Mundt
Title: Asymmetric NUMA: Multiple-memory Management for the Rest of Us
Embedded processors have long shipped with small blocks of on-chip memory for fine-tuned and hand-optimized applications. With the move towards smaller processes, these blocks are becoming both increasingly larger in capacity (128k, 256k, 512k, etc.) and increasingly underutilized. Static utilization has been the common approach for handling these blocks, but this is highly inflexible, does not lend itself to kernel/application transparency, and largely side-steps the existing VM infrastructure.
With the growing trend of multi-core CMPs in the embedded space, complex multiple-memory hierarchies are becoming common place, In these cases, page locality, worst-case allowable latency, and the effects on caching behavior can make or break an application. This paper discusses the existing, on-going and future work for generalizing NUMA support in the kernel. Management of small asymmetric nodes in both UP and SMP configurations will be discussed, as well as the impact this has for memory-aware applications aimed at modern embedded CPUs.
Presenter: Hadi Nahari
Title: Trusted Secure Isolation for Embedded Linux
The need for secure isolation in an embedded Linux environment is important for two main reasons: Effective Confinement (application and process security) and GPL Isolation (separating proprietary code from GPL code).
One way to implement a jail-house mechanism to achieve a solution for the above problem (i.e. protect applications and processes from each other, and enforcing separation between GPL and IP code) is via a hypervisor. The majority of hypervisor solutions available today are MMU-based and are incapable of offering the level of security required to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements.
This session provides the audience with an overview of fundamental security requirements of hypervisor so it can establish and guarantee the isolation. We will cover hypervisor access control, secure communication, secure isolation, as well as mediated sharing and attestation capabilities of virtual machine. The session will propose a concrete design that establishes and guarantees secure isolation requirement for embedded Linux.
Presenter: Hadi Nahari
Title: Linux Security: Carrier Grade Moving 3G Networks Forward
Network equipment providers (NEPs) can no longer afford to develop entire solutions in-house and must focus their resources on the development of new value-added services. A key strategy to drive down and manage costs is to develop systems for new markets using common commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components. These COTS components are transforming the telecommunications industry, and Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) is taking a dominating position in the COTS solution stack. What benefits do the NEPs receive by adopting CGL into the new COTS based architectures? How is CGL moving 3G forward? Lower operating expenses, faster time to market, scalability, flexibility, leading edge functionality, and much more. Especially the security requirements of Carrier Grade will be discused, and their fundamental differences compare to other embedded Linux implementations will be explained.
Presenter: Sampo Nurmentaus
Title: Creating Cross Platform Multimedia Applications: Case Embedding a Mozilla Based Browser
Presenter: Michael Opdenacker
Title: Linux Tiny - The Diet Must Go On
The Linux kernel has grown in complexity over the years in order to support many use cases and different types of hardware, from small routers to huge mainframes. This made the kernel bigger and more memory hungry. Linux Tiny is a project to keep the disk and memory footprint of the Linux kernel under control, in particular for the needs of embedded systems. There are plenty of opportunities to disable kernel features which are not needed in production systems serving a very specific purpose. For example, who needs ELF core dumps or kernel debugging messages in a Linux phone?
After highlighting the main achievements of the project so far, we will review recent work and ideas to make the mainstream Linux kernel releases work great on systems with as little as 2 MB of RAM.
Presenter: Tsutomu Owa
Title: RT Patch for Celleb - Patch Status and Performance Measurements
The Realtime-preempt patch, created and maintained by Ingo Molnar and others, is getting more and more popular in the Linux community. The patch has been ported to many architectures including PowerPC64, to which the Celleb platform, we have ported the RT patch on, belongs. While RT benchmarks shown by Steven Rostedt and Darren V. Hart at OLS 2007 and some other measurements exist for the Intel architecture, there seem to be less for the PowerPC architecture, especially on the recent kernel and RT patch. We will show the test results based on the same metrics with Darren V. Hart in this presentation as well as the Celleb specific techniques to improve latencies on the latest kernel and RT patch.
Presenter: Matt Porter
Title: Methods to Protect Proprietary Components in Device Drivers
This presentation examines the various methods that can be used to design device drivers that protect software IP. The discussion starts with a background discussion on the well known methods such as binary only kernel modules while pointing out the legal risks with these methods. Userspace drivers are the focal point of the presentation.
The discussion of userspace drivers includes a detailed look at the standard kernel UIO subsystem and its current limitations. Approaches for handling userspace DMA support are described as that facility is crucial to most data intensive device drivers. Throughout the presentation, a GPU accelerated 3D graphics design example is used to demonstrate how GPL kernel driver components can be mixed with proprietary userspace driver components. The discussion concludes with a summary of the pros and cons of each method.
Presenter: Jim Ready
Title:Linux Security: Carrier Grade Moving 3G Networks Forward
Presenter: Manas Saksena
Title: Fedora on ARM Platforms
The Fedora-on-ARM project aims to support ARM as an official platform for the Fedora project. The presentation will provide an overview and current status of the project, and show how the
Fedora ARM project package repository and tools can be used by developers for development on ARM platforms as well as for creating custom embedded Linux distributions to match the
footprint and functionality needs of a particular device.
Presenter: Gene Sally
Title: Getting Started with Embedded Linux
Many developers are now starting their first embedded Linux project. This presentation will help them understand what's involved with getting a Linux environment configured for their target board and how they can use tools in the open source community to achieve that goal. Attendees will be forewarned of common pitfalls that first-time Linux users frequently encounter and how to avoid them. This session will not advocate any commercial tools or products! The session will focus on what's available in the open source community.
Presenter: Gene Sally
Title: How GCC Works, An Embedded Engineers Perspective
Linux development wouldn't happen without GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. Using a GCC-based cross-compiler, there are some tricks of the trade that every embedded developer should know in order to configure GCC for their project and diagnose problems when they occur. This session looks at how you can tweak your GCC cross-compiler configuration to ease compilation and deployment and what options GCC includes to help you common diagnose problems.
Presenter: Gene Sally
Title: Using RPM as Your Build Environment
The RPM package management software not only helps you install packages on a system, but also includes a comprehensive system to manage the patch and build process. This session steps you through the process of creating a project that can be cross-compiled with RPM's build utility, rpmbuild. In addition, the session shows how tsrpm, an open source projec, can make this process easy for embedded developers by handling the complexities behind using RPMs in a cross-compilation environment.
Presenter: Rus Sani
Title: Experiences Using Linux in Carrier Grade Telecom Equipment on Control and Data Plane
Iskratel as a telecom equipment manufacturer provides broad range of network equipment to telecom operators. We have started using Linux five years ago. By now, Iskratel is deploying Linux-based systems like soft switches, call servers, IP gateways, DSLAM's and CPE equipment.
In this talk we will share our experiences gained on (MontaVista) Linux control plane (ATCA/cPCI, x86 based) and data plane (Freescale PQ based) systems, when addressing typical carrier grade features like high availability, performance, scalability, real time characteristics and maintainability. Also, tools for effective SW development in conjunction with the CASE tools like Telelogic's SDL and Solid DBMS will be presented.
Presenter: Frank Scholz
Title: Coherence, An Open Source DLNA/UPnP Framework
Coherence differs in not "only" being a library that provides calls to the different methods needed to interact with the UPnP protocol stack. It can be used that way, but its real intention is to act as abridge between any application that deals with digital data and the DLNA/UPnP world - embedded within the application or standalone as a daemon.
It provides a very high level interface an application can utilise to expose for instance its data as an A/V MediaServer. Or expose its playback capabilities as an A/V Media Renderer.
Topics of the talk would be
- an introduction into DLNA/UPnP, the stack and the features, depending on the audience tense or more detailed
- explanation of Coherence, its concepts and usage
- why it is important for a Linux based software/device to support the DLNA/UPnP standard
- an outlook at the things we are currently working on (some maybe already finished until November)
- D-Bus integration, to provide a generic interface and ease then usage from applications written in other programming languages
- a scriptable testing and validation tool set for DLNA/UPnP devices band services
- support for more UPnP standards (IGD,HVAC,DSC,...) and non-standard services
Presenter: Dodji Seketeli
Title: The PokyLinux Distribution: Mobile GNOME at Your Fingertips
The PokyLinux distribution is a GNU/Linux distribution as well as abuild system. It is built upon Open Embedded technologies and aims at building stable and optimized GNOME Embedded types of platforms.
Among other things, PokyLinux sports a reference GTK+/Matchbox basedPDA and smart phone like user interfaced aimed primarily at handheld devices with very high DPI VGA displays. The name of that environment is Sato.
This talk will present PokyLinux focusing on both its build system and GNU/Linux distribution traits. We will show how it eases building and updating opensource software packages that are distributed by nature. We will also present Sato and its different technical building blocks.
Presenters: Satoru Ueda, Tim Bird
Title: CE Linux Forum - Why it was Founded and What is Happening Now
This presentation will review the original intention why Sony and Panasonic founded the CE Linux Forum and we will take a look back at its history. At the same time, I would like to introduce what is happening in Japan, one of the regions that the forum is seeing a lot of activity in by many Linux developers for embedded systems.
Presenter: Klaas de Waal
Title: Linux in TV, Going from Prototype to Product
This is a story about the issues encountered in developing the TV520,NXP's latest reference design for digital televsions. Subjects I want to talk about are:
- differences in using Linux in a lab/demo environment versus Linux in a product
- stability and maturity issues of both Linux and tooling
- "time lag" in the leading Linux distributions
- education of our customers about Linux
Presenter: Wookey
Title: YAFFS
YAFFS was the first log-structured filesystem designed specifically for NAND flash. It is fast, simple and portable with a very low RAM footprint. It can be used standalone or in RTOSs as well as in Linux via the MTD. YAFFS2 is stable and has widespread use. It has recently gained checkpointing so that boot-up scan is avoided, saving huge amounts of time on large flash partitions. This talk will cover the filesystem structure and design choices, OS integration options and future development directions as NAND flash hardware develops.
Presenters: Wookey and Neil Williams
Title: Embedded Debian Workshop
We will show the tools and how to use/install them. The tutorial will show how to build an emdebian rootfs and get it installed, and how to modify the system for your own purposes. The tutorial will also include a demonstration of emdebian on the Balloon board.
Presenter: Vitaly Wool
Title: Linux Suspend-to-Disk Objectives for Consumer Electronic Devices
Suspend-to-Disk (STD) is the sleep state that offers the greatest power savings. However, it is rarely used on CE devices as it would consume a lot of storage space which is always limited here and would take quite a bit of time to resume. This talk will cover the methods to overcome these STD drawbacks using consumer electronic devices' specifics, thus defining an STD derivative method suitable for CE devices.
Presenter: Vitaly Wool
Title: Parallelizing Linux Boot on CE Devices
Taking a look on the Linux boot-up sequence, one can easily see that it's mostly related to subsystems' and devices' initialization. Most parts of this are independent from each other and include waiting for a device to enter some state, so there's a potential to get these done in parallel. This talk will cover this approach in more detail, as well as give some descriptions on working examples and figures for boot-up time improvement using the suggested technique.
Presenter: Siarhei Yermalayeu
Title: Linux Clock Management Framework
Systems-on-chip (SoCs) for modern embedded devices are becoming complex integrated circuits (ICs) with a large number of hardware components. In synchronous circuits a HW component requires one or more clocks to be provided for its functioning resulting in over 100 clocks for the complete SoC. Efficient clock management is of paramount importance for power management since up to 50% of the total chip power consumption can be dissipated (wasted) in the HW clock tree.
In this presentation a SW clock management framework for Linux will be proposed. The framework is compliant with a standard Linux API for clock controlling and allows dynamic management of large number of clocks transparent to applications. Special attention will be paid to dealing with dependencies between various clocks. Moreover aspects of multiple core clock management will be addressed. The framework has been implemented and used on modern NXP multimedia SoC.
Presenter: Fuxin Zhang
Title: A High Performance Linux-based Home Server Design
A commercial home server design will be presented at the meeting. In the software part, it is a greatly enhanced openfiler NAS system, with extensions of BT download, web/email/printing/firewall etc.
In the hardware part, it adopts the newest generation of Chinese Loongson processor, supporting up to 4 ESATA interface and dual 10/100/1000M ethernet adapters. We will share the experiences on the design practices, including power management, boot time reducing and performance tuning.