The CELF Embedded Linux Conference - Europe 2007

Thank you to all the sponsors, speakers, volunteers and attendees who made the conference such a successful and great event!

To view ELC-E 2007 presentations, please click here


Location: Linz, Austria
Dates: November 2 and 3 (Friday, Saturday), 2007
Venue: Johannes Kepler University
Times: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Price: Students 16 Euro; Private 64 Euro; Company 256 Euro (tentative)

ELC-Europe 2007 (ELC-E) is a joint conference with the 9th Real-Time Linux Workshop (RTLWS) that is organized by the Real Time Linux Foundation.


Conference Highlights

This joint conference will consist of over 60 presentations on the subject of embedded and real-time Linux. Presentations on embedded Linux will cover a wide range of topics, including kernel enhancements for realtime, improved memory size, security, and power management. Also, there will be presentations on licensing issues, embedded distributions (covering OpenEmbedded, Embedded Debian, and PokyLinux), embedded graphics systems, flash file systems, and reports of experiences embedding Linux in actual products like TV sets and handheld devices.

There will be tutorials on toolchains, packaging tools, and distributions, as well as "Birds of a Feather" sessions on a variety of topics.

Come see the panel session on what makes the ideal Linux distribution, led by a group of distribution experts.

This event is a great opportunity to meet and talk to some of the most important developers in the open source community, as well as key figures in industry and the community. Here are some of the people presenting:


If you want to improve how you use Linux in embedded products, you owe it to yourself to attend this event! Register now, by going to

To receive announcements about the event (including reminders about the event and schedule information), please subscribe to the elc-e2007-announce mailing list. Please click here to subscribe.


Important Dates


DLNA Summit

The CE Linux Forum is hosting the first ever Open Source DLNA Summit, in Linz Austria, November 4, 2007. The summit is co-located with ELC-Europe. Please see the DLNA summit website for more information.


What is the CE Linux Forum?

The CE Linux Forum is a non-profit organization (complying with California state laws) established in 2003 under the leadership of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. and Sony Corporation to create an international community for open source software developers. Since then, the Forum has played an active and leading role in making Linux an invaluable shared resource for embedded devices. Some of the common themes that have occupied Forum members in this pursuit include reduction of power consumption and the development of middleware.

Although CE stands for Consumer Electronics, the Forum does not confine its activities to a narrow definition and aims to address all areas of embedded system development. The Forum also maintains close ties to the other organizations to contribute to the expansion of the Linux world. Benefiting from the nature of open sources, engineers of the highest caliber work together within the CE Linux Forum, without regard to corporate boundries and national borders.